When new tooling is completed, we arrange for tool trials to be conducted in-house or in local trial shops to prove the tooling function and moulding process.
Usually, Liondell staff are on-site to assist with the trials to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the client’s expectations are met. If trials are conducted independently then we will be given full reports including process parameters so that we can verify and arrange to see a further trial if necessary. If any corrective action is necessary, corrective action (PFU) reports are completed to improve the results at the following trial.
ISIR reports are submitted after every trial. All of our suppliers own or have access to CM Machines and other inspection equipment necessary to produce accurate reports.
Over the years we have supplied thousands of parts from China.
- Buffer stocks prior to tool shipping
- Test parts from the early development stage
Our project manager will attend to ensure the following:
- Material and ancillary inserts are available and used effectively during the trial
- Correct moulding press used
- Cycle time target achieved
- Ejection of parts is feasible
- Parts are untrimmed unless specified
- The quantity of parts produced is correct to order
- Parts are packed and protected adequately for transit
For more information on our trial runs services, call us on +44 (0)2392 429 424 or email us directly.